15th Congress of the FIEC and the Classical Association annual conference 2019


The 15th conference of the Fédération internationale des associations d’études classiques will take place in conjunction with the 2019 Classical Association annual conference on 4th-8th July 2019 in the Institute of Education (UCL) in London. FIEC business meetings will take place on 4th July, and the conference proper will begin on 5th July.

We expect hundreds of classicists from all over the world and at any stage in their career to attend, to hear plenary lectures from international leaders in our field, to present and hear papers, to participate in debates and discussions and to take part in cultural activities and workshops.

Programme http://fiec2019.org/provisional-programme/

Plenary lectures

Professor Alastair Blanshard (Queensland) “Travel, the Enlightenment, and the Formation of Classical Greece“

Professor Corinne Bonnet (Toulouse) “Tackling the complexity of polytheisms: cult epithets as a language“

Professor Paula da Cunha Corrêa (Universidade de São Paulo) “Cattle and other animals in the Catalogue of Women“

Professor Jonas Grethlein (Heidelberg) “Metalepsis in Ancient Greek Literature and Criticism? The Limits of Narratology in Classics“

Professor Alison Keith (Toronto) “Epicurean Postures in Martial’s Epigrams“

Professor Irad Malkin (Tel Aviv) “They shall sail on equal and fair terms” equality and kleros in the Greek Mediterranean“

Professor Ida Östenberg (Gotheburg) “Dulce et decorum. Dying for the fatherland (or not) in ancient Rome”